
The Adaptive Arm Prompts

Rifton Pacer Gait Trainer Video 3

Adaptive arm prompts can be used with the Rifton Pacer gait trainer to assist weight-bearing, accommodate a user with upper extremity contractures, or encourage an appropriate posture for gait practice. This video segment demonstrates their basic adjustment and use. A transcript is provided below for viewers with hearing disabilities.

Watch more videos in this series:

Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 1 | The Frame
Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 2 | The Chest Prompt
Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 3 | The Arm Prompts
Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 4 | The Hip Positioner
Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 5 | The Thigh Prompts
Rifton Pacer gait trainer video 6 | The Ankle Prompts
Sean Carter's Journey through TBI rehabilitation, Part I
Sean Carter's Journey through TBI rehabilitation, Part II


[00:00:01.00] Caption: The Arm Prompts

[00:00:04.00] Narrator: How do you adjust the arm prompts to support and position the user in the best way?

[00:00:09.00] Narrator: Let's take a closer look. First, choose a location along the top bar. The clamp can be placed at the sides or along the front bar.

[00:00:21.00] Narrator: Then, pick which side of the top frame the clamp should go. I'm going to switch this one to the outside.

[00:00:33.00] Narrator: Like the chest prompt, the arm prompts can be adjusted up and down.

[00:00:39.00] Narrator: Depending on the user, you may want the arm rests at different heights.

[00:00:44.00] Narrator: The arm prompts should be placed at the elbow height of the user. To move it laterally, loosen this knob under here. The same knob allows you to rotate and adjust the angle. Make sure the knob is loosened well, to make this easy.

[00:01:04.00] Narrator: In adjusting the arm prompt for more lateral support, place the arm prompt post pointing forward.

[00:01:20.00] Narrator: Rotating the arm prompt disc provides further adjustability for forward positioning; Tighten to lock it in place.

[00:01:31.00] Narrator: The hand-hold is also fully adjustable just by loosening this knob.

[00:01:37.00] Narrator:With the soft loops against the skin, straps are comfortable. Make sure they are not fastened too tightly.

[00:01:50.00] William Lynch, Physical Therapy Director: This is brand new. So you've got to see how this fits you. We've got to make it fit you perfectly, OK?

[00:01:56.00] Child in Pacer: Oh boy! This will be cool!

[00:01:58.00] William Lynch, Physical Therapy Director: Some children who have Hemiplegia's with one side of their body more involved than the other. Then it's nice that you can take the arm prompts off, move them closer to the person or further away to accommodate those postures. And one prompt might look completely different from the other when you look at it without a child in it, but when that child is in it, you understand why it's set up that way. The Pacer allows that.

[00:02:26.00] William Lynch, Physical Therapy Director: (to child in Pacer) Go, go, go?big steps, big steps!

[00:02:28.00] Child in Pacer: Look at me!

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