
Prone Transfers Made Easy with the Rifton Stander (Sizes 2 & 3)

In this video, we provide a comprehensive guide to performing prone transfers using the versatile Rifton Stander. This step-by-step tutorial ensures comfort and adaptability for users with diverse needs.

Key Highlights:

Initial Positioning: Learn how to position the stander close to upright for a smooth sit-to-stand transfer.

Adjustable Legs: Discover the stander’s independently adjustable legs for accommodating leg length discrepancies.

Measurement and Fitting: Detailed instructions on measuring and setting thigh and lower leg lengths for a perfect fit.

Prone Positioning: Customize hip flexion, knee flexion, and hip depth based on individual contractures or body shape. Modify trunk height for additional length as needed and prepare for the transfer. Fine-tune ankle adjustments for plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, rotation, and foot depth to achieve the desired positioning.

Transfer Process: Visual guide to performing a sit-to-stand transfer from an activity chair to the stander.

Strapping Essentials: Ensure user safety with the pelvic harness, trunk strap, and sandal straps in the prone configuration.

Tray Adjustment: Customize tray height and angle for various activities.


Let’s look at how to achieve effortless prone transfers with the Rifton Stander, designed for comfort and adaptability in every step. Start by positioning the Stander to as close to upright as possible in preparation for a smooth sit-to-stand transfer. The Stander’s legs can be independently adjusted, ensuring accommodation for leg length discrepancies or any asymmetry. For an exact fit, measure the patient’s thigh and lower leg length, set these dimensions on the Stander accordingly. In the prone position, customize hip flexion, knee flexion and hip depth based on the user’s contractures or body shape. To adjust hip flexion in prone, release the red safety latch.

Trunk height can be adjusted for additional length if needed. Open up straps and swing away laterals, making space for the transfer. Fine tune ankle settings for plantar flexion, dorsiflexion, rotation, and foot depth to achieve the desired positioning. Bring the Stander in front of the user seated in an Activity Chair. The base shape allows for close access under a chair or wheelchair.

Secure the user’s feet in sandals. Perform a sit-to-stand transfer from the chair into the Stander. Secure critical straps and position laterals as needed. In the prone configuration, ensure the safety of the user with critical straps: the pelvic harness with the center strap always attached, trunk strap, and sandal straps. Adjust the tray height and angle for the desired activity. And there you have it: a seamless journey from chair to stander with the Rifton Stander.

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