The New Stander enables physical development and greater social interaction by providing support and stability while encouraging weight-bearing.
Introducing Rifton’s all-new line of standing devices.
We started from the ground up, completely reimagining every feature, every strap, every adjustment. We tried to anticipate every need of the child, the parent, the clinician. The result: an all-new device that can be configured as a prone stander, a supine stander, and upright as multi-position.
Our first entrant in this all-new lineup, size 1 of 4, is specifically designed for early intervention. It’s the only stander of its type that adjusts in height down to the floor to allow peer-to-peer socialization and participation—and then up to table height for activities there, plus easier transfers.
It allows precise positioning in every imaginable configuration, quick prone to supine switching and back, plus of course Rifton’s legendary tool-free adjustments.
Look out for these innovations:
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