
Medium Chair Range of Body Sizes

Rifton Activity Chair Video 12


[00:00:03.09] Caption: Rifton Activity Chair – Room to Grow

[00:00:07.08] Narrator: Many therapists have asked what adjustment range we have in the medium size chair. So to demonstrate that, I’ll put it at its smallest setting with the seat depth all the way in and the back rest all the way down, and our hip guides adjusted all the way in laterally. We have a seat area that is 8½ inches wide by 11 inches deep.

[00:00:37.50] Narrator: If I adjust the hip guides all the way out, that width increases to 11½ inches wide. To get wider that that remove the hip guides, pull the arm rest out, pull the hip guide off, and then you will get to a full 14 inches of width.

[00:01:07.30] Narrator: Pulling the seat all the way out, we get to a full 16 inches of seat depth from the front of the seat to the back. Then, putting the back rest all the way up in its highest position looks like this.

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