
More Than You Give

Erna Albertz | August 2012

A fire truck in the station illustrates the setting in which Tony Tumminello, a man with disabilities, shared his story with firefighter friends Have you heard of Disability Scoop? Chances are you have, but in case not – or if you missed the beautiful video and story of Tony Tumminello posted there – take a moment to check it out.

Maybe Tony’s story caught my attention because, as co-guardian of my 29-year-old younger sister with Down syndrome, I will fall for just about any story on adults with disabilities. Especially one that describes an unusual and beautiful solution to the question every family like mine ponders: how can my sister find a role in our neighborhood where she can shine?  What will become of her if we’re no longer able to care for her?

Tony’s story answers both questions in a heart-warming way. If only every adult like Tony had a group of friends as devoted and caring as his firemen.

After watching the accompanying video, however, it’s plain to see that the firemen get easily as much back from Tony as they give to him. As a faithful friend, he softens their hearts daily with a joke, a smile, an encouraging word. Yes, he’s clearly had his end of the bargain to keep, and has kept it well.

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