
Toileting At School: Solved

By Roxanne Thompson, Life Skills Teacher Harrison High School, Harrison, AR

| October 2008

supportstation9I had a dilemma at the beginning of the school year. A new student with physical disabilities enrolled, making it hard for us to change him in our handicapped bathroom. We did not have enough space to install a changing table.

When I began to look into changing tables, I looked up the Rifton website. They had a new concept for changing: the Rifton Support Station.

I called for a catalog. The staff at Rifton were very helpful in explaining their vision of the Support Station and how to use it. I was convinced that it would be perfect for Brian (not his real name) and for the space we had in our classroom restroom.

When we received the Support Station, our maintenance department consulted with Rifton on the best method to attach it to our walls. After installation, we began using the Support Station with several students with wonderful success.

Brian, our physically disabled student, has been using the Support Station to transfer from his wheelchair to a standing position with very little assistance from the para. The Support Station allowed Brian to go from full physical assistance of two staff members for changing, to one staff member for partial support.

The Support Station fits into a very small area in our bathroom. Brian is able to transfer to the Rifton Toileting System with no heavy lifting. He can then use the toilet on a schedule which allows him to stay dry throughout the day.

We have other students who used to be upset by hygiene care, and previously needed two paraprofessionals to change them. Now these students can use the Support Station, with just one para to change the student instead of two. The forward leaning position allows the student to participate without being anxious, and enables the para to perform hygiene tasks with less stress.

Thank you for a wonderful product. It has been designed with thoughtfulness and understanding for the clients, and for the staff requirements of this special population.

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