Holiday Funding Options for Complex Rehab Equipment
| December 2013Around this time of year we experience an up-tick in the requests that come in for funding aid. Perhaps it’s because people hope that the season’s spirit of generosity will prompt readier giving. I’m sure it’s also partly due to the heightened awareness of the huge gaps in many families’ finances to provide expensive, good quality complex rehab devices that could so enrich and improve a child’s life, and add ease and achievement to their ADLs.
We all know the big red thermometer that United Way puts up as they conduct their fund drives; it gives us a way to see what is being accomplished with the dollars we donate. Baby and wedding registries are used by many to funnel generosity. So why not an adaptive equipment registry? Well, there are some pretty good ones out there. is a build-your-own-fundraiser-site. Tadpole Adaptive has a great registry, and the folks there will help you create a suite of marketing tools for your fund-raiser, and put up a vine to grow it!
There are many generous folk who like to give; we know because we hear stories from families whose equipment purchases were enabled by organizations of all varieties. The challenge is to find them. Over the years Rifton has indexed the funding assistance options that we have found the most helpful. Use them, and pass this on to families and others you know who may not get the Rifton blog.
Merry Christmas!